Almaviva 2021

Baron Ph. de Rothschild & Concha y Toro, Maipo Valley

Almaviva est une icône qui fait partie des meilleurs vins au monde !
box icon 97
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box icon 96

312.00 / magnum

En stock

Almaviva en quelques mots

Almaviva est considéré comme le 1er Cru du Chili et fait partie des plus grands vins du monde. Il est né d’un partenariat entre les Rothschild (Château Mouton Rothschild) et la famille propriétaire du célèbre domaine viticole Concha y Toro au Chili. Son nom vient d’un classique de la littérature française: Le Comte Almaviva est le héros de la célèbre pièce de théâtre écrite par Beaumarchais (1732-1799), Le Mariage de Figaro, transformée plus tard en opéra par Mozart. Almaviva est né de la rencontre de deux mondes et de deux cultures, la France apportant son savoir-faire et son élégance, le Chili son terroir unique. Un vin d'exception, produit en quantité limitée à partir d'un assemblage de cépages nobles bordelais, où dominent le cabernet sauvignon et la carménère. Deux grandes traditions ainsi réunies pour offrir au monde une promesse de plaisir et d'excellence.

Dans la presse

2021 was an overall cooler year than 2020, with more elegant wines with more finesse and less angular tannins. The sleek 2021 Almaviva is a good example of that, still very young and still marked by the élevage in oak after spending 20 months in French oak barrels, 71% of them new and the rest only second use. The final blend was 71% Cabernet Sauvignon, 22% Carmenere (from Peumo), 5% Cabernet Franc and 2% Petit Verdot, a variety that might gain in percentage, as they have even planted some more with the idea to possibly replace Merlot in the medium or long term. It's not a shy wine, hitting the scale at 15% alcohol and with mellow acidity, 4.65 grams (tartaric) and a pH of 3.81 The fruit is dark, ripe and spicy, nothing green about it; it's a little shy, less expressive than the warmer years are early on and a little more discreet but with potential to develop in bottle. The tannins are still present, and it should benefit from some more time in bottle. The 2019 had more volume than the 2018, and the 2020 is closer to the 2019 than the 2018. 200,000 bottles produced. It was bottled between late January and early February 2023. I tasted it next to the 2020 and 2018, and it's closer to the latter; but this 2021 is more elegant, and 2018 is a little more austere and herbal.
August 2023

A fresh and discreet Almaviva with subtle pencil shavings and cigar box to the cassis and hints of chili chocolate and peppermint. Nuanced and subtle on the nose. This is medium-bodied and subtle on the palate with silky tannins in the seamless finish. Very long. 71% cabernet sauvignon, 22% carmenere, 5% cabernet franc and 2% petit verdot. Drinkable now, but it will take its time to deliver complexity.

James Suckling
April 2023

Fiche de cave

Almaviva 2021

Informations techniques

Degré d'alcool
Température de service
2024 - 2033
Nous recommandons de boire ce vin avant 2043
71% Cabernet Sauvignon
22% Carmenère
5% Cabernet Franc
2% Petit Verdot
Pays d'origine
Maipo Valley
Maipo Valley
97 Vinum

98 James Suckling

96 Parker
